Singing Guide: The Adventures

Singing Guide: The Adventures

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Adventures are a rock band that rose to fame in the 80s with their high energy performances and catchy anthems. To learn how to sing like The Adventures, it’s important to understand the unique qualities of their lead singer, Terry Sharpe.

Sharpe is known for his passionate and emotive delivery, and his ability to effortlessly switch between his chest and head voice. His voice is also characterized by a slight rasp and grit, which gives his singing a raw, powerful edge.

To emulate Sharpe’s vocal style, it’s important to start by developing a strong foundation for your voice. This includes understanding your vocal range, breathing technique, and proper warm up exercises. Singing Carrots offers a range of resources such as the Vocal Range Test, Breath Support, and Warm-up Videos for this purpose.

Once you have a strong foundation, you can begin to experiment with different vocal techniques to build on it. For example, Sharpe often employs mixed voice to reach high notes, so developing this technique would be particularly helpful for those looking to emulate his style. The YouTube videos on Chest Voice/Voice Registers, Voice Registers/Mixed Voice/Voice Break, and Chest Voice Explained provide great insights into these areas.

In terms of songs to practice, The Adventures’ discography is full of great examples of Sharpe’s style. Classics like “Broken Land” and “Two Rivers” showcase his emotional delivery and use of mixed voice. “Drowning in the Sea of Love” is another great example of his powerful rasp.

To round out your practice, Singing Carrots' Song search and Artist Vocal Ranges can help you find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference and understand the vocal ranges of famous singers, respectively.

By developing a strong foundation and focusing on Sharpe’s unique vocal qualities, you too can learn to sing like The Adventures. Good luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.